Find the right Health and Longevity Insights from Experts in Seconds

Find precise answers to your health questions by simply typing your question from podcasts and Vlogs without watching or listening to 1,000s of hours of content.

“We enable our users to save up to 1,000 hours on average by simply writing their question in the chat instead of watching or listening to podcasts from their longevity and health experts.”

Timo Spring

CEO & Co-founder

How it works

Choose your

Select from top longevity experts like Andrew Huberman, Peter Attia, and more to get started.
We transcribe and index videos and podcasts from leading longevity experts, making their insights easily searchable.

Type in Your Question
Our AI finds the Answer

Type in any health or longevity-related question you have. Our AI instantly scans thousands of expert transcripts to find your exact answer.

Health Journey

Receive the exact section to check the answer and get tailored recommendations for supplements or health tests as additional service.

The Value YOU get!

Experience a smarter way to access expert health advice, find the answers you need, and make informed decisions for your wellness journey. Here’s what you’ll gain:


Get straight to the information you need without watching hours of content

20+ years
of Lifetime

Proven by science, following Longevity Experts’ protocols can increase your health span by an average of 20 years.

Personalized Guidance

Receive recommendations tailored to your unique health journey and goals.

Become one of the first 1,000 BETA testers in early 2025!

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